Experimental Courses 2011-2012, P-Z



PSYCH 132X. Motivation and Academic Learning Skills. (0-1) Cr. 1. Prereq: Psych 131. Continued development of academic learning skills with an emphasis on motivation and application of learning strategies. Satisfactory-fail only.

PSYCH 291X. Introductory Research Experience. Cr. 1-4. F. Prereqs: 101, sophomore classification, and permission of instructor. Beginning level supervised research experience in a faculty laboratory. Repeatable up to 4 credits maximum. Satisfactory-fail only.

PSYCH 335X. Abnormal Psychology of Children and Adolescents. (3-0) Cr.3. S. Prereqs: PSYCH 101, PSYCH 230, or HD FS 102. Psychopathology of children and adolescents, including childhood depression and anxiety disorders, developmental disorders, ADHD, autism, eating disorders, and conduct disorders. Consideration of multiple probable causes and corresponding therapies.

PSYCH 386X. Media Psychology. (3-0) Cr.3. SS. Theories and research on the psychological mechanisms (e.g., attitudes, perceptions, emotions, arousal) by which media influence children and adults. Topics include media violence, educational media, advertising, music, video games, media literacy, and ratings.

PHYS 102L. Physical Sciences for Elementary Education. (1-5) Cr. 3. S. Same as Chem 102L.Prereqs: Math 195 or Math 140. Introduction to physics and chemistry via weekly, guided-inquiry laboratories. Topics to include states of matter and changes in states of matter, sound, light, electricity, magnetism, heat, forces and how they are related to and object's motion. Restricted to elementary education majors.

PHYS 115X. Physics for the Life Sciences. (3-1) Cr. 4. F.S. Prereqs: high school: 1 1/2 yr. algebra, 1 yr. geometry, 1 sem. trigonometry. Emphasis on basic physics principles applied to biological problems. Topics include mechanics, fluids, thermodynamics, heat, light, sound, electricity and magnetism. A coordinated laboratory, Physics 115L is available. Can be used in fulfilling a general physics requirements for natural science majors.

PHYS 115L. Laboratory in Physics for the Life Sciences. (2-0) Cr. 1. F.S. Prereqs: for 115X only.. Experiments related to the elementary topics of physics for the life sciences. Mechanics, fluids, thermodynamics, heat, light, sound, electricity and magnetism. In conjunction with 115X, this course can be used to contribute to fulfilling a general physics requirement for natural science majors.

POL S 336X. Sports, Politics, and Public Policy. (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereq: Sophomore classification, 3 credits in social science. Examination of politics public policy in professional and amateur sports. Sports industries, group and team performance, regulation of teams and sports leagues, collective action, group performance and preference aggregation, social coordination, and franchise subsidies as a community development process in the context of public policy analysis.

POL S 345X. Immigration Policy. (3-0) Cr. 3.  Prereq: Junior or Senior classification. Political, economic, and social factors that affect immigration policy in the United States and abroad. Systematic analysis and implications of different types of immigration policies in countries sending and receiving immigrants. Nonmajor graduate credit. 

POL S 354X. War and the Politics of Humanitarianism. (Cross-listed with ANTHR 354X) (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: POL S 235, POL S 251, or ANTHR 230. Humanitarianism as a system of thought and a system of intervention in conflict and post-conflict situations: role of humanitarian organizations and actors in addressing human suffering caused by conflict or war military action as a form of humanitarian intervention.

POL S 587X. Electronic Democracy.  (Dual listed with 487) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Senior, graduate, or permission of instructor. The impact of computers, the Internet, and the World Wide Web on politics and policy. The positive and negative effects on information technology (IT) on selected topics such as freedom, power and control, privacy, civic participation, the sense of community, virtual cities, interest group behavior, the new media, campaigns, elections, and voting will be examined.


No courses.


RESEV 591X. Supervised Field Experience. Cr. 2-4. Prereq: ResEv 553 or ResEv 680. Repeatable. Supervised on the job field experience.


S E 494X. Software Engineering Portfolio Development. (1-0) Cr. R. F, S. Prereq: Credit or enrollment in
S E 491. Portfolio assessment of software engineers. Guidelines and advice to improve software engineering portfolios and to better use portfolios as a tool to enhance career opportunities.

SOC 348X Global Poverty, Resources and Sustainable Development. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: SOC 130 or SOC 134. Trends in hunger, poverty, resource use and development. Assessment of theories, policies, and programs to promote sustainable livelihoods, resource management, and development at local and national levels. Examine solutions through institutional efforts and grassroots social movements.

SP CM 216X. Great Speakers and Speeches. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Survey of great speeches examined within their political and cultural contexts. Analysis of the rhetorical strategies of diverse speakers with an emphasis on texts from social movements in the United States.

STAT 410X. Statistical Methods for Mathematics Teachers (6-0) Cr. 6 SS. Prereqs: Stat 341 of equivalent, enrollment in Master of School Mathematics (MSM) program or consent of instructor. Descriptive statistics; data collection through experimentation and sampling; univariate statistical inference; contingency tables; design of experiments and ANOVA; simple linear regression; logistic regression; multiple linear regression. Non-major graduate credit.

STAT 444X. Bayesian Data Analysis (3-0) Cr. 3 S. Prereqs: Stat 401 and either Stat 447 or registration in Stat 342. Probability models and prior distributions; updating priors through the likelihood function. Computational and simulation-based methods for deriving posterior distributions and for estimating parameters. Basic statistical and hierarchical models. Model adequacy and posterior predictive checks. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and introduction to WinBUGS or similar software. Emphasis on applications and examples the the social, biological and physical sciences.

STAT 585X. Data Technologies for Statistical Analysis. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: STAT 579. Introduction to computational methods for data analysis. Accessing and managing data formats: flat files, databases, web technologies based on mark-up languages (SML, KML, HTML), netCDF. Elements of text processing: regular expressions for cleaning data. Working with massive data, handling missing data, scaled computing. Efficient programming, reproducible code.


TOX 689X. Current Topics in Toxicology. Cr. R. Repeatable. Lecture and discussion participation on current topics in toxicology. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.


U ST 207X. Science Bound Pre-professional Seminar. (1-0) Cr. 0.5. F.S. Repeatable for maximum of 4 times. Prereq: U ST 102B or instructor permission. Seminar topics prepare sophomore and upprclass students to pursue research and internship experiences in science, technology, engineering and math fields.

U St 315X. Cyclone Aide Leaders Seminar. (1-2) Cr. 2. S. Prereq: Selection as Cyclone Aide Student Leader.Development of public speaking, group facilitation, and peer leadership skills. Exploration of issues associated with student transition to college, university organizational structures, and processes associated wtih student matriculation.


V C S 422X. Rotation at Blank Park Zoo Cr. 4. F.S, SS (year round). Prereq: 4th year classification at ISU College of Veterinary Medicine and completion of an elective in Exotic and Zoo Animal Medicine. Clinical experience in husbandry, nutrition and training of exotic animals in a zoo environment. Students will get instruction and learn the application of the clinical skills required when dealing with exotic animals, including the hands-off visual examination obtaining historical and clinical information from zookeepers, and the use of immobilization drugs for patient exams. Students will learn the common medical disorders of exotic species and treatment techniques. May be taken more than once for credit.

VDPAM 422A. Southern Plains Beef Production Medicine: Cattle Marketing. Cr. 2. Prereq: VDPAM 310. Cattle Marketing is for students interested in gaining a better understanding of how cattle are marketed in the beef industry. The elective will be conducted in Oklahoma and will consist of 1 or 2 day lecture component with the remaining time spent in the field – either “buying” cattle at auction markets or inspecting/evaluating our buys (maybe even helping work/process them) at client operations. Buying strategies – both traditional and “creative’ – such as price determination, calculating breakevens, market trend evaluation, value differentiation, and detecting the “sweet spot” in the market will be covered. This elective will give students a better understanding of how stocker/feedlot clients purchase cattle. Overnight stays at or near the production sites are required. Biosecurity policies require documentation of your presence in the USA 5 day immediately prior to the start of class if international travel has occurred. May be taken more than once for credit.

VDPAM 422C. Southern Plains Beef Production Medicine: Feedlot Production. Cr. 2 Prereq: : VDPAM 310. This elective is for students interested in getting “hands on”, work experience at a commercial feedyard in Oklahoma. This experience will consist of working with and assisting the feedyard crew in their daily activities including: detecting and treating sick cattle, processing newly arrived cattle, hospital pen management, performing necropsies, and overall cattle care in general. Other learning opportunities such as feeding (bunk management), fee mill operations, feedyard maintenance, and feedyard management may be available in interested and timing elective coincides with activities. Students need to provide their own transportation to the site and overnight stays at or near the production sites are required. Biosecurity policies require documentation of your presence in the USA 5 day immediately prior to the start of class if international travel has occurred. May be taken more than once for credit.

VDPAM 422D. Southern Plains Beef Production Medicine: Client Consulting. Cr. 2 Prereq: : VDPAM 310. This elective is for students interested in beef production medicine consulting. It will be conducted in a veterinary practice in Oklahoma and will consist of “shadowing” the proactive owner on consulting visits to feedyard and stocker clients and other practice activities such as cattle buying, cattle working, attending producer and/or veterinary meetings, and conducting research (depending on the time of year). May be taken more than once for credit.

V C S 481X. Advanced Equine Dentistry. Cr. 2. F. Prereq: Fourth year classification in Veterinary Medicine. Two-week elective clinical assignment in equine medicine or surgery.

VDPAM 365X. Animal Welfare Judging and Assessment. Cr. 2. F,SS. Prereq: For 565: 365, enrollment in a graduate program or competed in Animal Welfare Judging. Preparation for competetition in the Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging Contest. Development of critical appraisal and oral communication skills in regard to animal welfare. Animal behavior, physiology, health and performance parameters, basic husbandry, housing and preventive care will be explored for select farmed, companion and exotic species. Optional field trips.

VDPAM 465X. Animal Welfare Clinical Rotation (elective). Cr. 2 F. Prereq: Final year of the DVM program. Two-week course for senior veterinary students to gain skills for collecting and interpreting animal welfare data, aid clients with identifying and achieving welfare goals, and assisting law enforcement with animal cruelty response. Field trips to food animal and companion animal facilities are mandatory.

VDPAM 521X.Risk, Benefits, Science and Policy of Food. Cr. 3. S. (3-0) Prereq: Statistics 104 or equivalent. Introduction to risk analysis principles applied to food safety issues. Introduction to quantitative methods for risk assessment using epidemiological tools. Methods for framing the risk management questions. Risk communication introduction. Overview of risk/benefit or tradeoff analysis. Topics will be conveyed in the context of real world food policy issues and debates.

V MPM 525X. Intestinal Microbiology. (Cross-listed with MICRO 525X) (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S. offered 2012. Prereq: MICRO 302, BIOL 313. Overview of commensal microbiota in the health and well-being of vertebrates. Topics include diversity of intestinal structure, microbioal diversity/function, innate immune development, community interactions and metobolic diseases associated with alterations of the mocrobiome.


WLC 278X. Introduction to Global Film. (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: none Introduction to the cinema of non-English speaking regions and cultures of the world through representative subtitled films, lectures, and readings. Topics vary according to faculty interest. Emphasis on selected national cinemas and film as a mode of cultural expression as well as on diverse cultural contexts of cinema.

WLC 370X. Topics in World Languages and Cultures in English Translation. (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: none Topics vary according to faculty interest. Author, genre and period study, women's writing, cinema, or cultural studies of non-English speaking world culture and cultures. Reading, discussion, and written work in English. May be taken more than once for a limit of 9 credits. Non-major graduate credit.


No courses.