Experimental Courses 2013-2014, S-Z


S E 419X. Software Tools for Large Scale Data Analysis. (3-3) Cr. 4. S. (Cross-listed with CPR E 419X). Prereq: CPR E 308 or COM S 352, COM S 309. Software tools for managing and manipulating large volumes of data, external memory processing, large scale parallelism, and stream processing, data interchange formats. Weekly programming labs that involve the use of a parallel computing cluster.

SOC 348X. Global Poverty, Resources and Sustainable Development. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: SOC 130 or SOC 134. Trends in hunger, poverty, resource use and development. Assessment of theories, policies, and programs to promote sustainable livelihoods, resource management, and development at local and national levels. Examine solutions through institutional efforts and grassroots social movements.

STAT 502X. Applied Modern Multivariate Statistical Learning. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: STAT 500, STAT 542, STAT 579. Statistical methods for supervisied and unsupervised statisticallearning in high-data-volume contexts. Topics will be chosen from linear methods of prediction and classification, basis expansions and regularization, kernel smoothing methods, variance-basis trade-offs, inference and model averaging, additive models and trees, boosting, neural nets, support vector machines, prototype methods, random forests, ensemble learning, clustering, and principal components.

STAT 547X. Functional Data Analysis. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: STAT 543, STAT 511. Theory and methods for analyzing functional data, which are high dimensional data resulted from discrete, error-contaminated measurements on smooth curves and images. The topics include kernel and spline smoothing, semiparametric regression, dimension reduction, functional analysis of variance, functional generalization linear models, joint modeling, classification and clustering.

STAT 585X. Data Technologies for Statistical Analysis. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: STAT 579. Introduction to computational methods for data analysis. Accessing and managing data formats: flat files, databases, web technologies based on mark-up languages (SML, KML, HTML), netCDF. Elements of text processing: regular expressions for cleaning data. Working with massive data, handling missing data, scaled computing. Efficient programming, reproducible code.


TOX 569X. Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology. Cr. 2 F. Same as AN S 569X. Prereqs: BBMD 301, Biology 258 or An S 331. Chemical agents that target developmental and reproductive systems in animals and humans, both male and female. The influence that timeline of developmental in utero and what part of reproductive organ have on outcome of environmental exposures will be developed. The physiological changes due to exposure, and mechanistic pathways activated by xenobiotics will be defined and the consequences of these changes will be explored.

TOX 689X. Current Topics in Toxicology. Cr. R. Repeatable. Lecture and discussion participation on current topics in toxicology. Offered on a satisfactory-fail basis only.


URB D 521X. Foundations of Urban Design. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: Graduate standing, senior classification with instructor permission. Introduction to the ways that urban designers think about the city with a focus on how history, theory, and a wide range of contextual factors inform urban design practice. Field trip.

URB D 531X. Methods of Urban Design Workshop. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: Graduate standing or senior classification with instructor permission. An exploration of contemporary urban design methods derived from significant urban projects and (re)development initiatives. Selected case studies to articulate and evaluate methods for implementing urban design goals and objectives in a variety of urbanized contexts. Case studies will build on a combination of analytical research, lectures, student presentations, and field trips.

URB D 532X. Urban Design Media Workshop. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: Graduate standing or senior classification with instructor permission. An introduction to visual representation tools and techniques for generating and communicating urban design concepts and analytical research. Projects and exercises will utilize traditional and contemporary approaches to drawing, modeling, and mapping, as well as desktop publishing tools for print, web, and presentation graphics. Field trip.


V C S 420X. Practicum. Cr. R. Arr. Prereq: VM4 classification, permission of instructor. Repeatable. External practical experiences in the fourth year curriculum for additional professional development of the veterinary student. Satisfactory/fail grading only.

V MPM 501X. Basic Principles of Microbiology. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. General principles of bacteriology, immunology and virology will be discussed. The structure and function of bacteria and viruses, the mechanisms of pathogenesis, and the host response to infectious agents will be reviewed. Vaccines, their failures, and new developments in vaccine development will be explored.

V MPM 525X. Intestinal Microbiology. (Cross-listed with MICRO 525X) (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S. offered 2014. Prereq: MICRO 302, BIOL 313. Overview of commensal microbiota in the health and well-being of vertebrates. Topics include diversity of intestinal structure, microbioal diversity/function, innate immune development, community interactions and metobolic diseases associated with alterations of the mocrobiome.

V PTH 349X. The Genome Perspective in Biology. (2-0) Cr.2. S. (Same as MICRO 349x, BIOL 349X, GEN 349X) Prereq: GEN 313 or GEN 320. How genome, RNA, and protein data are analyzed using computer technology to answer biological questions on topics ranging from microbial diversity to human health. An introduction for students in the life sciences to the fields of genomics, bioinformatics and systems.

V PTH 402X. Introduction to Pathology. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Same as BIOL 402X). Prereq: BIOL 211 and BIOL 212 with labs. Haynes. Introductory exploration of pathology as a medical discipline. This includes study of disease mechanisms via an introduction to general pathology topics (cell degeneration, necrosis, disturbances of growth, disturbances of blood flow, inflammation, neoplasia) and organ system-specific response to injury.

V PTH 503X. Principles of Pathology. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Introductory exploration of pathology as a medical discipline. This includes study of disease mechanisms via an introduction to general pathology topics (cell degeneration, necrosis, disturbances of growth, disturbances of blood flow, inflammation, neoplasia) and organ-system-specific response to injury.

VDPAM 424X. Preceptorship in Diagnostic Pathology. Cr. 1-6. F, S. Prereq: VDPAM 310 and VDPAM 455. Advanced course in production animal medicine with emphasis on gross and diagnostic pathology. Forty hours clinical experience per week. Assignments will be preceptorships with a diagnostic laboratory, veterinary pathologist, governmental agency and/or production unit. Biosecurity policies require documentation of student's presence in the USA 5 days immediately prior to the start of class.

VDPAM 428X. Principles of Epidemiology and Population Health. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Epidemiology and ecology of disease in populations, Disease causality and epidemiologic investigations. Issues in disease prevention, control, and eradication. This course is available on campus and by distance.  

VDPAM 463X. Feedlot Production Medicine. Cr. 1. S. Prereq: VDPAM 310: concurrent enrollment in VDPAM 421D. One-week VM4 elective focusing on Midwestern feedlot production. Addresses feedlot production practices common to Iowa and surrounding states, including feeding cattle on concrete or under roofs. Activities include participation and visitation to representative feedlots in Iowa.

VDPAM 465X. Animal Welfare Clinical Rotation (elective). Cr. 2 F. Prereq: Final year of the DVM program. Two-week course for senior veterinary students to gain skills for collecting and interpreting animal welfare data, aid clients with identifying and achieving welfare goals, and assisting law enforcement with animal cruelty response. Field trips to food animal and companion animal facilities are mandatory.


W S 210X. Gender and Sexuality in American Pop Culture (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Analysis of the many codes that are conveyed thought popular culture texts, particularly regarding gender and sexuality. Influences on the developments of our identities that shape how we view the world. Intersectional topics include discussion of race and class.

W S 497X. Women and Gender Studies Capstone Seminar. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: WS 301, WS 401, WS 402 (introduction, theory, methods) and minimum of 12 credits in WS. Serves as a capstone experience to the WGS major.  Students will bring together the knowledge they have gained and apply it to a substantial independent project that engages with and extends the intellectual agenda of the broad community of Womens and Gender Studies Scholarship

WESEP 501X. Wind Energy Resources. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: graduate standing. Forecasting, wind measurement and analysis,site placement, aerodynamic principle asociated with blase design, power generation technologies, pwoer electronic topologies used in wind energy conversion, collection circuits, and gri operation with high wind penetration.

WESEP 502X. Wind Energy Systems (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: Graduate standing. Systems approach to wind turbine design, manufacturing, installation, integrated with wind economics and sensing and inspection technologies using the monitoring wind farm health, and the impact of policy making on the wind energy industry.

WESEP 594X. Wind Energy Real-time Reseach Seminar. (1-0) Cr. 1. F., S. Prereq: graduate standing. Identifying current wind energy research issues and conducting components of the research cycle in real-time including: proposal development, investigation/analysis/discovery, publication and presentation, ethical behavior and leadership.

WLC 105X. American Sign Language I. Cr. 4. Introduction to American Sign Language (ASL). Development of expressive and receptive skills including vocabulary, grammar, usage, and cultural information. Note: Distinct from “Signed English”. ASL is a natural language with its own rules of grammar and usage.

WLC 106X American Sign Language II. Cr. 4. S. Prereq: WLC 105X. Introduction to American Sign Language (ASL) II continues development of expressive and receptive skills introduced in American Sign Language I, including vocabulary, grammar, usage, and cultural information. Distinct from “Signed English”. ASL is a natural language with its own rules of grammar and usage.

WLC 205X. Intermediate American Sign Language I. (4-0) Cr. 4. F. Prereq: WLC 106X or equivalent. Development of fluency for intermediate conversational skills. Review of grammar and varying grammatical forms for both structured and unstructured social situations such as sharing opinions, discussing weekend activities, and exchanging views on current topics.

WLC 206X. Intermediate American Sign Language II. (4-0) Cr. 4. S. Prereq: WLC 205X or equivalent. A continuation and further application of language principles learned in WLC 205X, to deepen ability to actively engage in dialogue both in structured and unstructured social situations. Further fluency in intermediate conversational skills will be developed, particularly in the areas of sematic equivalence and dialogic/monologic register.

WLC 278X. Introduction to Global Film. (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: none Introduction to the cinema of non-English speaking regions and cultures of the world through representative subtitled films, lectures, and readings. Topics vary according to faculty interest. Emphasis on selected national cinemas and film as a mode of cultural expression as well as on diverse cultural contexts of cinema.

WLC 370X. Topics in World Languages and Cultures in English Translation. (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: none. Topics vary according to faculty interest. Author, genre and period study, women's writing, cinema, or cultural studies of non-English speaking world culture and cultures. Reading, discussion, and written work in English. May be taken more than once for a limit of 9 credits. Non-major graduate credit.


YTH 501X. Foundations in Youth Development. (1-0) Cr. 1. Examination of fundamentals of youth development and the youth development profession. Through this introduction to the field, students will explore the ethical, professional, and historical elements of youth development as it has evolved toward professionalization.

YTH 510X. Adolescents and Their Families. (3-0) Cr. 3. Adolescent development, particularly in the context of the family. The reciprocal influences between adolescents and their families will be examined. Implications for professionals working with youth and families will be explored and highlighted.

YTH 520X. Community Youth Development. (0-3) Cr. 3. Examination of cognitive, self, and social transitions of early to late adolescence including identity issues relating to family, peer, school, and work as well as gender, intimacy, and sexuality. Emphasis on research, theory and practice applied in communities throughout the USA. Students will explore existing models, read theoretical and applied literature and examine current community efforts as a basis for understanding community youth development.

YTH 530X. Youth in Cultural Context. (3-0) Cr. 3. The cultural context factors that affect youth from a holistic perspective within and outside the family unit. An understanding of the cultural heritage of differing family structures and types.

YTH 540X. Youth Professionals as Consumers of Research. (3-0) Cr. 3. Youth development professionals understand and evaluate research reports to reduce anxiety about applying research results and theories to practice. Specific emphasis will be on research and theory reports related to youth development.

YTH 550X. Youth Policy. (3-0) Cr. 3. This course Examines various federal and state policies designed specifically for youth. Students will examine how and why policies for youth are constructed. A guiding question that will be used to evaluate existing state and national policies is whether they contribute to, or act as, barriers to designed developmental outcomes.  WWW only.

YTH 570X. ContemporaryYouth Issues. (3-0) Cr. 3. Contemporary youth issues, including personal, social, psychological, biological, financial, and or environmental topics. Issues discussed within a positive youth development framework. Research, evaluation, and application.

YTH 570A. Contemporary Youth Issues: Life Skills

YTH 570B. Contemporary Youth Issues: Violence

YTH 570C. Contemporary Youth Issues: Youth and Appearance

YTH 570D. Contemporary Youth Issues: Volunteerism

YTH 570E. Contemporary Youth Issues: Youth from a Global Perspective

YTH 570F. Contemporary Youth Issues: Substance Abuse

YTH 570G. Contemporary Youth Issues: Improving Adolescent Health

YTH 570H. Contemporary Youth Issues: Working with Immigrant Youth and their Families

YTH 570I. Contemporary Youth Issues: Contexts & Settings of Youth Development

YTH 570J. Contemporary Youth Issues: Adolescent Sexuality, Pregnancy & Parenthood

YTH 570K. Contemporary Youth Issues: Mentoring

YTH 570L. Contemporary Youth Issues: Mental Health

YTH 570M. Contemporary Youth Issues: The Difficult Adolescent

YTH 570N. Contemporary Youth Issues: Diviance Among Immigrant and Minority Youth

YTH 580X. Administration and Program Management. (3-0) Cr. 3. Development, administration and management of youth serving organizations, and focuses on the youth development professional’s administrator/program manager responsibilities.

YTH 585X. Program Design, Implementation and Evaluation. (3-0) Cr. 3. Principles and methods of program design, implementation, and outcome evaluation of children and family programs. This course will focus on hands-on tools of conducting strategic planning, designing program logic model, and evaluating the performance of a program in delivery of services.

YTH 589X. Grant Development and Management. (3-0) Cr. 3. Grant-getting process and an overview of what happens after a project is funded. The following topics will be covered: researching funding sources, generating cutting edge ideas, assessing needs, planning a project, establishing credibility, formulating a sustainable budget, designing an evaluation plan, managing the funded project, and disseminating project results.

YTH 634X. Youth Development. (3-0) Cr. 3. The development period of adolescence. The theory and research of positive youth development will be the lens through which this developmental period is examined. The course will emphasize how the development tasks of this life stage are influenced by (and influence) family and home school, peers, and other contextual forces.