Experimental Courses 2014-2015, S-Z
S E 419X. Software Tools for Large Scale Data Analysis. (3-3) Cr. 4. (Cross-listed with CPR E 419X). Prereqs: CPR E 308 or COM S 352, COM S 309. Software tools for managing and manipulating large volumes of data, external memory processing, large scale parallelism, and stream processing, data interchange formats. Weekly programming labs that involve the use of a parallel computing cluster.
SCM 491X. International Live Case and Study Tour. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: SCM 301. Students follow supply chain of major firm from overseas manufacturer to domestic point-of-sale. Students are expected to complete projects and present findings to senior leadership.
SCM 513X. Biorenewables Supply Chain Management. Cr.3. S. (Cross-listed with BRT 513X). Prereqs: Graduate standing or qualified undergraduates with instructor permission. Evaluation of supply chain logistics related the field of biorenewables. The unique challenges associated with biorenewables supply chain are emphasized and examined: cost analysis, market demand & prices, life cycle analysis, environmental impacts, as well as, the technological, social, and political factors related to society.
SOC 348X. Global Poverty, Resources and Sustainable Development. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: SOC 130 or SOC 134. Trends in hunger, poverty, resource use and development. Assessment of theories, policies, and programs to promote sustainable livelihoods, resource management, and development at local and national levels. Examine solutions through institutional efforts and grassroots social movements.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
SOC 360X. Globalization and Development (3-0) Cr. 3. F. (Cross-listed with GLOBE 360X) Prereqs: 6 credits in the social sciences, including Econ 101, Soc 134, or Soc 230. Introduction to major concepts in the developmentism, globalism, and sustainability paradigms. Covers global flows and global risks, global institutions and organizations, and global North vs South linkages. Application to agriculture and rural development. Meets international perspectives requirement.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
SP CM 270X. Science in Public: Communication, Controversy & Understanding. Cr. 3. S. (Cross-listed with ENGL 270X, JL MC 270X). Prereq: ENGL 250. Models of communication between scientists, engineers and other professionals and the public. Approaches to public engagement with science and technology including analysis of science communication on controversial topics such as climate change, evolution, and genetically modified organisms.
SPAN 285B. Intensive Intermediate Spanish for Professions: Business. (4-0) Cr. 4 F. Development and application of advanced reading and writing skills and profession-specific vocabulary, as well as the socio-cultural environment of particular professions. Taught in Spanish. Only one of SPAN 297 and SPAN 285X may count toward graduation.
SPAN 285C. Intensive Intermediate Spanish for Professions: Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement. (4-0) Cr. 4. S. Development and application of advanced reading and writing skills and profession-specific vocabulary, as well as the socio-cultural environment of particular professions. Taught in Spanish. Only one of SPAN 297 and SPAN 285X may count toward graduation.
STAT 559X. Item Response Theory. (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. F., even numbered years. Prereqs: STAT 401 or STAT 500. Statistical methods for analysis of binary and polytomous data using latent trait models from item response theory. Application and theory of model selection and fit, equating, dimensionality, differential item functioning and test development. Use of appropriate statistical software.
STAT 585X. Data Technologies for Statistical Analysis. (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereqs: STAT 579. Introduction to computational methods for data analysis. Accessing and managing data formats: flat files, databases, web technologies based on mark-up languages (SML, KML, HTML), netCDF. Elements of text processing: regular expressions for cleaning data. Working with massive data, handling missing data, scaled computing. Efficient programming, reproducible code.
STAT 644X. Advanced Bayesian Theory (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereqs: STAT 544 and STAT 642. Bayesian inference and decision theory. Consistency of posterior distribution. Asymptotic expansion of posterior distribution. Selection of priors. Hypothesis testing and model selection. General state Morkov chains and MCMC algorithms. Enhancement techniques for improving efficiency of MCMC algorithms.
TSM 546X. Introduction Into Bioplastics & Biocomposites. (2-2) Cr.3. S. (Cross-listed with A B E 546X, BRT 546X, M S E 546X). Prereqs: CHEM 163 and MATH 151, or permission of instructor. A study of bio-polymers and related processes used in manufacturing. Lecture and laboratory activities focus on materials, properties, processes, policies and current state of the art of bioplastics.
TSM 658X. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning I. (1-0) Cr. 1. F. (Cross-listed with A B E 658X, GR ST 658X). Basic concepts, techniques, and procedures of conducting the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education. Emphasis will be given to practices suitable for technology, engineering, and related disciplines. Students will complete a classroom-based "teaching as research" proposal.
TSM 659X. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning II. (2-0) Cr. 2. S. (Cross-listed with A B E 659X, GR ST 659X). Prereqs: TSM 568X; Permission of Instructor. Practical experience in conducting the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education. Emphasis will be given to practices suitable for technology, engineering, and related disciplines. Students will complete a classroom-based "teaching as research" project.
TOX 569X. Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology. Cr. 2 F. Same as AN S 569X. Prereqs: BBMD 301, Biology 258 or An S 331. Chemical agents that target developmental and reproductive systems in animals and humans, both male and female. The influence that timeline of developmental in utero and what part of reproductive organ have on outcome of environmental exposures will be developed. The physiological changes due to exposure, and mechanistic pathways activated by xenobiotics will be defined and the consequences of these changes will be explored.
U ST 207X. Science Bound Pre-professional Seminar. (1-0) Cr. 0.5. F.S. Repeatable for maximum of 4 times. Prereq: U ST 102B or instructor permission. Seminar topics prepare sophomore and upprclass students to pursue research and internship experiences in science, technology, engineering and math fields. Satisfactory - Fail grading.
US LS 371X. Mexican American History. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. (Cross-listed with HIST 371X) History of the Mexican American community in the U.S. from the 1820s to the present. Topics include community development, employment, social marginalization, racism/discrimination, depression and world wars, civil rights, ethnic power and politics. Meets U.S. Diversity requirement.
Meets U. S. Diversity Requirement.
VDPAM 463X. Feedlot Production Medicine. Cr. 1. SS. Prereqs: VDPAM 310: concurrent enrollment in VDPAM 421D. One-week VM4 elective focusing on Midwestern feedlot production. Addresses feedlot production practices common to Iowa and surrounding states, including feeding cattle on concrete or under roofs. Activities include participation and visitation to representative feedlots in Iowa.
VDPAM 478X. Swine Medicine Center. Cr. 2. SS. Swine Production Management and Consultation; clinical pharmacology and treatment management; and emerging swine disease diagnosis and management. In class discussion as well as on-farm visits, on-line training modules and production facility tours.
VDPAM 478A. Swine Medicine Education Center: Swine Production Management and Consultation. Cr. 2. S. Prereq: VDPAM 310. Swine production management and consulting skills within a progressive swine production and management system. Time will be split approximately with half in-class discussion topics of finance and business of the swine industry and half on-farm learning opportunities where students will visit a breeding farm, nursery facility, finishing facility, wean-to-finish facility, gilt developer unit, and a truck wash facility.
VDPAM 478B. Swine Medicine Education Center: Swine Clinical Pharmacology and Treatment Management. Cr. 2. S. Prereq: VDPAM 310. Basic and applied information on swine treatment options, strategies to maximize efficacy, and skills to pursue judicious use of antimicrobials, reproductive interventions, and the entire spectrum of drug therapies. The course emphasizes case based application and decisions and is approximately 30% web-based and 70% on-site including farms of a variety of structures and functions. During the course, students prepare a thorough evaluation of the pharmacologic interventions that may occur on farms and then implement this evaluation in active production facilities to maximize efficacy, compliance and animal welfare as part of a comprehensive judicious use objective.
VDPAM 478C. Swine Medicine Education Center: Swine Emerging Diseases Diagnosis and Management. Cr. 2. S. Prereq: VDPAM 310. Diagnostic tests, methods, approaches, analysis, and evaluation of emerging swine diseases and provide general knowledge of disease elimination and methods to manage herd losses and economic losses due to disease. Two-week, on-site module that combines structured site visits and classroom activities.
V MPM 501X. Basic Principles of Microbiology. (3-0) Cr. 3. F. General principles of bacteriology, immunology and virology will be discussed. The structure and function of bacteria and viruses, the mechanisms of pathogenesis, and the host response to infectious agents will be reviewed. Vaccines, their failures, and new developments in vaccine development will be explored.
V PTH 349X. The Genome Perspective in Biology. (2-0) Cr. 2. F. (Cross-listed with BIOL 349X, GEN 349X, MICRO 349X). Prereqs: GEN 313 or GEN 320. How genome, RNA, and protein data are analyzed using computer technology to answer biological questions on topics ranging from microbial diversity to human health. An introduction for students in the life sciences to the fields of genomics, bioinformatics and systems.
V PTH 503X. Principles of Pathology. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Introductory exploration of pathology as a medical discipline. This includes study of disease mechanisms via an introduction to general pathology topics (cell degeneration, necrosis, disturbances of growth, disturbances of blood flow, inflammation, neoplasia) and organ-system-specific response to injury.
V PTH 661X Comparative Immunology and Infectious Disease (2-0) Cr. 2. S. (Same as IMBIO 661X). Prereq: Graduate level Immunology or permission of instructor. Discuss and define similarities and differences of varied host responses to infectious challenge. Learning will focus on comparative aspects of the host response and the unique aspects of immunity from different organisms, while highlighting molecular and mechanistic similarities of pathogen recognition, response and resolution.
V C S 420X. Practicum. Cr. R. Arr. Prereq: VM4 classification, permission of instructor. Repeatable. External practical experiences in the fourth year curriculum for additional professional development of the veterinary student. Satisfactory/fail grading only.
W S 210X. Gender and Sexuality in American Pop Culture (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Analysis of the many codes that are conveyed thought popular culture texts, particularly regarding gender and sexuality. Influences on the developments of our identities that shape how we view the world. Intersectional topics include discussion of race and class.
W S 360X. Contemporary Experiences of Asian American Women. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Cross-listed with LAS 360X) Prereq: One of W S 201, LAS 225, or SOC 134; and ENGL 250. Interdisciplinary, transnational, and intersectional perspectives employed to understand experiences of Asian American women as they relate to racial ideology, global migration of people, resources, and culture, class status, family formation, sexuality, the military-industrial complex, geography, religion, and language.
Meets U. S. Diversity Requirement.
W S 497X. Women and Gender Studies Capstone Seminar. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: WS 301, WS 401, WS 402 (introduction, theory, methods) and minimum of 12 credits in WS. Serves as a capstone experience to the WGS major. Students will bring together the knowledge they have gained and apply it to a substantial independent project that engages with and extends the intellectual agenda of the broad community of Womens and Gender Studies Scholarship
WESEP 511X. Wind Energy System Design (WESD). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. (Cross-listed with AER E 511X). Prereqs: AERE 310, AERE321, AERE 331 (or equivalent courses) or WESEP 501X. Advanced design, control, and operation of horizontal-axis wind turbines which include design loads, component design and prediction of its residual life, design of wind farms, electro-mechanical energy conversion systems, optimal control, life-cycle management.
WESEP 512X. Wind Energy System Deployment. (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: WESEP 501 and WESEP 502. Advances in manufacturing, construction, reliability, supply chain, economics and policy for wind energy. Topics include sensor optimization, reliability analysis, advanced automation, fabric layup, transportation infrastructure planning, markets and public policy, and risk attitudes and perceptions.
WLC 105X. American Sign Language I. (4-0) Cr. 4. Introduction to American Sign Language (ASL). Development of expressive and receptive skills including vocabulary, grammar, usage, and cultural information. Note: Distinct from “Signed English”. ASL is a natural language with its own rules of grammar and usage.
Meets U. S. Diversity Requirement.
WLC 205X. Intermediate American Sign Language I. (4-0) Cr. 4. S. Prereqs: WLC 106X or equivalent. Development of fluency for intermediate conversational skills. Review of grammar and varying grammatical forms for both structured and unstructured social situations such as sharing opinions, discussing weekend activities, and exchanging views on current topics.
WLC 278X. Introduction to Global Film. (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: none. Introduction to the cinema of non-English speaking regions and cultures of the world through representative subtitled films, lectures, and readings. Topics vary according to faculty interest. Emphasis on selected national cinemas and film as a mode of cultural expression as well as on diverse cultural contexts of cinema.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
WLC 370X. Topics in World Languages and Cultures in English Translation. (3-0) Cr. 3 F. Prereqs: none. Topics vary according to faculty interest. Author, genre and period study, women's writing, cinema, or cultural studies of non-English speaking world culture and cultures. Reading, discussion, and written work in English. May be taken more than once for a limit of 9 credits. Non-major graduate credit.
Meets International Perspectives Requirement.
YTH 589X. Grant Development and Management. (3-0) Cr.3. S. Grant-getting process and an overview of what happens after a project is funded. The following topics will be covered: researching funding sources, generating cutting edge ideas, assessing needs, planning a project, establishing credibility, formulating a sustainable budget, designing an evaluation plan, managing the funded project, and disseminating project results.